Customize LLMs for your business use case

Everything needed to get your LLMs to production grade reliability and accuracy.

Trusted and built by engineers from

Compare models 10x faster

Compare and evaluate multiple models using predefined and custom metrics.

20+ data science hours saved per week

Save data science hours by automating tedious tasks like evaluations and generating reports.

4x drop in cost after fine tuning

Fine tune to meet your business needs and cost goals using datasets based on our evaluation metrics.

All in one platform

Production grade accuracy and reliability for your LLMs

Our state-of-the-art CI/CD like evaluation pipelines, monitoring services, and customized reports.


Prompt Workshop

All the tools you need to effectively create and experiment with great prompts on a single screen

Create responses from multiple models at the same time
Run prompts in bulk by uploading data
Directly pass in metadata, ground truth
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Understanding LLM performance

Custom evaluations specifically tailored for your use case

Evaluate using combination of LLMs, functions and human
Easily compare multiple models using custom evaluation
Create CI/CD pipelines for chained evaluations
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Monitor AI systems in real time

Slice and dice based on experiments and models to get key insights into your outputs.

Monitor keys metrics like Cost, Latency, Usage etc.
Zoom into different time periods to analyze drift
Visualize evaluations through interactive charts
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Gen AI meets traditional deployment practices

Connect with your existing ML stack within a matter a minutes to supercharge your models


Built for enterprise

Highly Scalable

Run prompts and evaluation in bulk. We scale with you as your business scales

Dedicated 24x7 Support

Dedicated on-call and Slack support from our team of AI experts


Deployable in your VPC so you have full control over your data


Loved by our users

Evaluable AI offers seamless integrations, streamlining the process of comparing and evaluating model responses, thus saving valuable time otherwise spent on tedious time consuming tasks


Principal Data Scientist @ Walmart

Evaluable AI makes it super easy to run prompts through templates. It is also a great framework to manage prompts across experiments and models and analyze the effectiveness of these prompts.


SDE @ Amazon

Since integrating Evaluable AI, we have been able to iterate 4x faster to develop new fine- tuned models and compare performances with previous versions. Evaluable AI offers great API integrations and an easy to understand UI for clearly understanding and evaluating model performance.


Founder @ Finvest


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Why are evaluations important?
How does Evaluable AI help businesses?
How easy is to integrate Evaluable AI with my existing stack?
Will Evaluable AI increase latency?
Does Evaluable AI offer different testing options?
How should I get started with Evaluable AI?